Create a more cohesive team

Creating team cohesion, building on existing relationships and turning an already great team into an excellent one can be challenging to do, especially in a technical environment when all focus is on the project or task at hand. It places pressure on leaders to commit to actions and be completely transparent with their team.

We spoke to Jerry Castellanos, Head of Digital Innovation at Farm Source Fonterra, about his experience of working with Wires Uncrossed to do a full retrospective review of FY21 and find ways for his team to improve how they work together and commit to actions.

The Problem

This particular project was around the programme retro that we did at the end of the last financial year. My assessment was that while the Farm Source engine had been running well, there were opportunities to be better for next year. I wanted to take the team from already really good to the best. Not only continuing the brief we’ve had for years, but actually ensuring that the experience for our people was a great experience and building a brand that’s fantastic to work for. I wanted to begin our retrospective review at the start of the year, because once you start the year you’re straight into delivering - heads down, bottoms up - with no time to look into what can improve.

The Approach

Creating team cohesion, building on existing relationships and turning an already great team into an Eithne suggested that we have a 3⁄4 day session which was preceded by an in-depth survey to look at the individual areas of the team. We actually had 100% participation in the survey. Normally we’d get 20 - 25 people, but because Eithne had pitched it really well, everybody contributed.

Prior to the session, a group of us got together to arrange the themes that we were seeing in the feedback. In seeing the responses, I realised that these people, as a team, really believed that we as an initiative will take action. It was a really great session that had both a good start by breaking the ice and a bit of playful stuff to get us in the right mindset.

Wires Uncrossed then facilitated each of the teams reviewing every one of the business areas and putting the next steps into actions. Rather than just asking ‘what can you do better’, it was framed in three ways: ‘what do you think leadership can do’, ‘what do you think your team can do’ and ‘what do you think you as an individual can do’.

As leadership, it allowed us to take a number of those suggestions and take action. Eithne was very clear in asking us ‘what are you going to do to show commitment to that action?’, which kept us accountable and transparent.

The Outcome

Off the back of the session, we changed a lot. All of the people who gave feedback said that everyone felt quite energised after the session. There was actually one team member and said ‘now I really feel part of the team, not just another resource working on a project’. That was really well received.

There have been lots of comments on the energy felt since, the commitment and openness, and people feel more appreciated and better valued. It’s given me the confidence as a leader that we will have a better year, even though this year should be tougher than the last one after COVID and lockdown. It’s very reassuring. Next year, we’ll do another review and of course, find the next set of things that we need to action. We’re also going to run the survey again at the end of next quarter to see what progress we have made.


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